Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sickle Scaler How Do You Use A Universal Curet And A Posterior & Anterior Sickel Scaler? Would Love Some Tips?

How do you use a universal curet and a posterior & anterior sickel scaler? Would love some tips? - sickle scaler

I have a test in a practcle weeks about the use of universal scaler and curettes.

Coz so frustrating, I do not think we had enough time to learn everything!

I am confused about the session for the different quadrants

What kind of movement I

Use of instruments in general, damn

grrr advice would be appreciated:)


1 comment:

  1. Aimee:
    Sickles are good for front teeth and universal curettes are good for all teeth.
    I really have to sit with someone, but who can demonstrate their proper use and location. If the video is available (registration) and check your ad as much as possible. It is impossible to say in this format too.
